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Máy IPL ánh sáng xung IPL ES series

Máy IPL ánh sáng xung IPL ES series




The Experience in Aesthetic Applications

IPL ES series:

It is a intense pulsed light system able to provide a broad range of wavelengths interacting with the skin. Thanks to special interchangeable waveguides or handpieces, it is possible to treat a wide range of skin problems, while targeting specific chromophores (such as melanin and water) with the right wavelengths, fluence and timing. The Eterna Giovinezza ES and Silk Light ES are clinically proven and very effective. The applications result extremely fast, thanks to the high repetition rate and the big spot sizes available (13x48 mm2 and 13x25 mm2).

Quanta’s Pulse Light technology uses a special pulse emission optimized for best results, comfort and safety. It has been developed to prevent the overheating of the pigmented epidermis, by respecting the specific TRT (Thermal Relaxation Time) of each skin target. For this reason, Quanta’s IPLs work either in single pulse or in burst mode (a pulsed emission made of multiple sub-pulses with variable pulse delay), with waveguides having different cut-off wavelengths in order to increase the skin target selectivity, thus avoiding thermal damage to the surrounding areas.

All the relevant protocols are automatically suggested by the software menu. Moreover, the parameters can also be adjusted by the operators, according to their specific needs and experiences.



Tệp đính kèm: 74619-EGESSilkLightES_en.pdf