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Máy sinh hóa tự động Urit-8020A

Máy sinh hóa tự động Urit-8020A



URIT-8020A Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

  ·Assay methods: End Point, Kinetic, Fix time etc.
  ·Principle: Photoelectric Colorimetry
  ·Light Source: halogen lamp 12v/35w
  ·Photometry range: -0.1~4.0Abs
  ·Resolution: 0.0005 Abs
  ·Wavelength: 8 wavelengths optional(340nm~800nm)
  ·Throughput: 200 tests/hour
  ·Memory capacity: up to 1200 items
  ·Reagent tray: 30 reagent positions
  ·Sample tray: 45 sample positions
  ·Reaction tray: 120 reaction positions
  ·Sample volume: 2-50ul, with 0.5ul increment
  ·Reagent volume: R1:25~400ul, R2: 10~150ul, with 1ul increment
  ·Minimum reaction volume: 180uL~600ul
  ·Water consumption:2L/hour under working status
  ·Clean unit: 8-step auto-washing with 5 probes
  ·Calibration: Line/non-line;multi-standards assay(Max:6 QC &#118alues)
  ·Control rules: 3 level controls for each item, analyzing and printing QC analysis diagram
  ·Temperature control: incubator 37±0.1℃
  ·Repetition of absorbency:≤0.1%
  ·Probe cleaning: Inside and outside automatic washing
                             Carry over ≤0.1%
  ·Power Voltage:AC100~130/200~240V,50/60Hz
  ·Ambient: Operating temperature: 15-32℃
                  Relative humidity: ≤85%
                  Atmospheric pressure: 86-106kPa