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Máy sinh hóa bán tự động Urit-810

Máy sinh hóa bán tự động Urit-810



URIT-810 Chemistry Analyzer

  ·Analysis method: Kinetic, end point, non-linear, sample blank, reagent blank, etc
  ·Light source: halogen lamp, 6V/10W
  ·Wavelength range: 300~800nm
  ·Absorbance range: -0.3~3.0Abs
  ·Wavelength accuracy:±1nm
  ·Spectrum band: ±6nm
  ·Flowcell: 10mm quartz cell, 32μL volume
  ·Temperature control: Room temperature, 25oC,30oC,37oC, (±0.1oC variable)
  ·Sampling volume: 100μL~9999μL tunable
  ·Cross contamination:≤1.0%
  ·Stability: ≤0.005Abs/h
  ·Memory: up to 234 items and 20000 test results
  ·Display: Large LCD display
  ·Printer: Built-in thermal printer
  ·Output: Rs232 connecting to PC
  ·Ambient: Room temperature: 10 oC~32 oC; Humidity: =85%
  ·Power: AC 220x(1±10%)V,50Hz
  ·Dimension: 392 x 375x 205mm(length * width * height)
  ·High-quality filter & close optical system
  ·Convenient maintenance design
  ·Large memory capacity
  ·Advanced unexpected power-off protection