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Máy chạy thận nhân tạo

Máy chạy thận nhân tạo AK-96

Máy chạy thận nhân tạo  AK-96

Gambro - Thụy Điển

Máy chạy thận  nhân tạo AK96 - Thụy điển

Quality and safety are the ultimate value

As the leading innovator in renal care, Gambro defines the cutting edge of technology and makes therapy delivery simpler, safer and more effective.

The AK 96® machine was developed for dialysis providers committed to delivering conventional HD treatment with the highest level of quality and safety.

It is a cost-efficient machine that combines proven technology with new advanced features for improved treatment.

With its variety of configuration alternatives and suitability for both in-center and self care hemodialysis use, the AK 96 machine gives you confidence that you invested in a versatile and powerful machine to add value to the entire dialysis process.

Tệp đính kèm: 50632-ak96brochure.pdf