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Máy chụp và phân tích bản đồ giác mạc

Máy soi nội mô giác mạc , CEM-530,NIDEK,Nhật

Máy soi nội mô giác mạc , CEM-530,NIDEK,Nhật

 Specular Microscope  CEM-530



  • Paracentral specular microscopy
  • Faster measurements and two-second auto analysis
  • Comprehensive analysis
  • Advanced manual analysis functions
  • Easy operation
  • Additional features with CEM Viewer for NAVIS-EX

Detailed Information


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Paracentral specular microscopy

In addition to conventional central and peripheral specular microscopy, the CEM-530 includes a unique function to capture paracentral images.

Faster measurements and two-second auto analysis

The CEM-530 with new advanced software and enhanced image capture system allows rapid image acquisition.

Comprehensive analysis

The analysis results with graphic and color-coded cell images helps the clinician to rapidly and effectively evaluate the endothelial cell layer.

Detail analysis

Advanced manual analysis functions

Two new methods, center point and corner point, have been added to the manual analysis function.

Center point

Select the approximate center of a cell. The cells are detected based on the surrounding points. This method is effective for areas where groups of cells are clumped together.

Corner point

Trace the outlines of the cells to be analyzed by selecting the corners of each cell. This method is suitable for detailed identification of the size and dimension of isolated cells.

Pattern select

Select a hexagonal reference pattern that is similar to the cell size and drag it onto the cell to be analyzed. This method is effective for rough identification of the size and dimension of the cells.

Combination of auto and manual analyses

All three manual analysis methods can be performed on the same image and also on auto-analyzed images. The versatility of combining automated and manual analyses allows analysis of the range of pathology in a comprehensive practice.

Easy operation

3-D auto tracking, auto shot, and tiltable touch screen

Instant printout with built-in printer

Additional features with CEM Viewer for NAVIS-EX

CEM Viewer is software used for viewing and working with CEM-530 data within NAVIS-EX, which is image filing
software that enables data from the NIDEK diagnostic devices to be centralized in the NAVIS-EX database. This functionality enhances the capability of the CEM-530 with additional features and increases clinics efficiency.