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Laser thẩm mỹ Eterna Giovinezza Plus IPL

IPL System (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL System (Intense Pulsed Light)



 Product Description
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a kind of light with high energy and broad wavelength, within the range from 530nm to 1200nm. According to the principle of IPL photorejuvenation technology, intense pulsed light with broad spectrum affects pigmentations, broken capillary vessels and hair follicles. Photothermic and photochemical action will be triggered by the radiation of IPL, pigments is shattered and eliminated out of body by metabolism. Meanwhile, IPL will also give a boost to collagen production, which can make the skin more flexible and smooth and remove fine wrinkles. The light with long wavelength can easily pass through epidermis to the hair follicles in the deep part of the skin. At the targeted area, high temperature occurs to destroy follicles and hair shaft and prevent regrowth of new hair. With a series of treatments, IPL technology can help restore a more youthful appearance without downtime and side effect.

Product Feature
Big machine, with powerful IPL energy and skin contact cooling. For more information, please refer to our website: www.toplaser.com

Product Specification/Models
Safety in clinics: Patented pure gold-wave filtering technology to remove harmful light, no side effect;
Effectiveness: Can solve many kinds of skin problems;
Comfortable process: Effective cooling system, adjustable from -5℃ to 4℃, makes the treatment more comfortable;
Easy operation: Portable design, micro-computer control, easy to operate;

Vascular lesions (telangiectasis) removal, change bottle nose.
Fine wrinkles removal, skin tightening.
Skin whitening and increase the flexibility.
Lighten and remove freckles, pigmentations, age spots and etc.
Lighten and eliminate acne scars.
Erase facial blemish, improve the tone of the skin.
Remove unwanted hair.

Other Information
Technical Specification

Touch Screen

50 J/cm2

One handpiece with 4 interchangeable filters (530/560/585/640nm)

Spot Size


350mm(W)×550mm(L) ×1100mm(H)

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