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Máy điều trị điện xung

Máy điều trị bằng sóng xung kích,HYDRON-QT,HNT Medical co., ltd,Korea

Máy điều trị bằng sóng xung kích,HYDRON-QT,HNT Medical co., ltd,Korea



 - Minimized device size & weight through minimized generator system
 - Minimized shock wave probe
 - Improved facility & mobility
 - High performance LCD touch screen  Reliable & Durable
 - UI (User Interface) design by user evaluation
 - Minimized Human error
 - Improved stability through well-designed software
 - Delivery optimized shock wave energy  Available effective treatment
 - Minimized weight & size through ergonomic design
 - Adopted advanced shock wave technology
 - Twist in/out type  Easy & Convenient
 - 3 steps depth of energy penetration
 - Available for all related indications
 - Designed through computer control for product reliability and improvement
 - Excellent durability
 - The optimized aperture angle for shock wave therapy in electro hydraulic type  94°
 - The most advanced focusing device guarantees good treatment result
 - Main controller managed through high-tech microprocessor
 - Guarantees product stability and reliability in real time
 - Guarantees external safety of CPU through control external input/output duplicately
 - Perfect noise proof of input/output device
 - Excellent extendability
 - Maximum shock wave energy under the identical input energy
    (Short Discharge Technique)