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Máy siêu âm trị liệu BTL-4710 Sono Optimal

Máy siêu âm trị liệu BTL-4710 Sono Optimal

BLT - Cộng hòa séc 


BTL-4710 Sono Optimal

physiotherapy,ultrasound therapy,BTL-4710 Sono Optimal

main features

  • 1-channel ultrasound therapy unit with graphic displays
  • High luminance displays for timer and other main parameters
  • Pre-programmed numeric protocols
  • User-defined protocols
  • Identification of accessories and accessories maintenance check
  • Easy connection with BTL electrotherapy unit for combined treatment
  • Ergonomic ultrasound heads 1 & 5 cm2, 1 MHz
  • Simultaneous connection of two ultrasound heads
  • Ultrasound frequency 1 MHz
  • Continuous and pulse mode
  • Water resistant ultrasound heads
  • Multiple contact indicator (on the ultrasound head, display, sound alarm)
  • PC connection (for SW upgrades)
  • Multilingual unit
  • BTL Cart (option)