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Máy nung răng giả Programat S1

Máy nung răng giả Programat S1


Programat S1

Programat S1

Programat S1 is a light and compact sinter furnace sintering frameworks made of IPS e.max ZirCAD and other ZrO2 materials. Due to the short sintering time, less time is required for the fabrication of crown and bridge frameworks made of zirconium oxide, and energy consumption is reduced.

Sintering IPS e.max ZirCAD copings in just 90 Minutes Programat S1 eliminates long sintering procedures and reduces the time required to sinter zirconium oxide single-tooth copings to just 90 minutes – conventional sinter furnaces generally require five to eight hours to complete this task. For the lab, a shorter sintering time means that veneered zirconium oxide-based crowns and bridges can be fabricated in one working day. The shortened sintering time does not compromise the high strength of the material and the high accuracy of fit, as shown by scientific investigations. In addition, energy is saved. Ivoclar Vivadent continues the Power Saving Technology concept by introducing the low-energy Programat S1 furnace.

All special features at a glance

  • Single-tooth crowns can be sintered in 90 minutes.
  • Simple and language-independent operations through the tried-and-tested combination of membrane-sealed keypad and graphic display
  • Power Saving Technology: Compared with conventional sinter furnaces, up to 60% of the energy is saved during sintering.
  • Compact design based on the Programat platform
  • Low weight – only 28 kg
  • Calibration option
  • OSD (optical status display)
  • Easy placing of objects in the sintering chamber due to tilted furnace head
  • Removable furnace head for maintenance purposes
  • USB slot for easy software updating
  • Remote control via PC/laptop computer using PrograBase2 software

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