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Máy tán sỏi ngoài cơ thể HK.ESWL-V

Máy tán sỏi ngoài cơ thể HK.ESWL-V





Description: Electromagnetic shock wave source
Safe, durable and effective
The therapy head is elaborately mounted in a small C-arm, which is concentric with the X-ray C-arm and the shock wave focus. This unique design, which allows the therapy head to orbit the focus, provides great convenience to optimize the shock wave shooting angle. Besides, the device gives more space for urology operations, fluoroscopy and photography in that it can be pushed aside easily.

X-ray C-arm localization system with optional ultrasound
For direct, precise and prompt stone localization

Separate and table side operating unit
Keeping operators free from x-ray radiation.

Versatile table
Table with 3D movement can also be used for other urology general operations.

Fine adjustment of energy and frequency
Give smooth transition when adjusting energy/frequency from low to high levels.

Different models at choice
HK.ESWL-V includes two types of which each has its unique features to meet different demands in clinical applications.
Promoted model: the table is connected to the main unit to give C-arm more space for 180 degree revolving. Equipped with X-ray photography system for high quality images.
Latest model: the therapy table is separated from the main unit with C-arm 180 degree revolving for photography. Wide range of therapy head movement enables operators to shooting in a position above patient which is essential for gallstone fragmentation.

Specification: Power supply:a.c.3N~380V
Power consumption:5kVA
Total weight:1150kg
Packing dimension:5.3m3
Minimum main unit room:5m(L)X6.5m(W)X2.5m(H)
Minimum separate operating room:3m(L)X4m(W)X2.5m(H)
Shock wave Principle:Electromagnetic