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Monitor OMNI

Monitor OMNI


 The Omni Patient Monitor  – Versatile, Dependable, and Affordable

New for 2009, the improved and updated version of the Omni patient monitor continues to provide exceptional patient care and monitoring for medical facilities worldwide. It has an upgradable monitor which can display up to eight waveforms that can show ECG, respiration, ST and arrhythmia, non-invasive blood pressure, SpO2, and dual temperature. The new Omni patient monitor also features an optional end-tidal Co2 or invasive blood pressure monitor, and an optional standard three channel printer.Patient  Monitors

When you choose the Omni patient monitor from Infinium Medical you will also receive other great features and benefits like:

  • Simultaneous multi-lead ECG monitoring
  • Large, easy-to-read fonts
  • OxyCRG
  • Four hour backup battery
  • Rigid, high quality construction
  • 48 hour graphic and tabular trending
  • ISO and CE certified

Each patient monitor from Infinium Medical is tested and retested in real world situations by trained medical professionals to ensure that you are receiving the best medical monitoring technology available. Our medical monitors are proven to be durable and consistent, so you and your patients can rest assured that you are getting the best in patient monitoring wherever and whenever needed.