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Máy X-quang nha khoa

Máy X-qung nha khoa AM-10B

Máy X-qung nha khoa

AM-10B  TQ


1、use the intemational advances technoiogy,high-eficency,clear imaging loe leak radial,is only 1%of national standard
2、light touched bution,contrcled with microcomputer,only press one button to select the exposue,fast and accurately Developing in light room,image in one minute,the doctor can diagonse convenentiy fox maxmum
3、the hanger body with 2m can save space and shoot conveniently in all direction
4、it is for the use of the digital imaging systom of mouth

 power  supply : AC220v±10%,50Hz, 1kva
 tube   voltage:60kvp
 tube  current: 8mA
 focus size   :1.5mm
 total  filtration:2.5mmAl
 exposure  time:0.2-4sec
 leak  radiation:   outside  one  meter≤ 0.002gy/h
                    (national    standand:0.25mgy/h)
 optional:tube  current:0.5mA     focus  size:0.8mm