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Máy sinh hóa bán tự đông

Máy phân tích sinh hóa AM-2018

Máy phân tích sinh hóa

AM-2018 TQ


1 The instrument has a 7-wavelength static photometric group with 340, 405, 492, 510, 546, 578, 630 nm filters. It can select working wavelength by itself;
2 The instrument can keep 100 programs in its memory. You can program parameters either beforehand or at current time based on your needs;
3 The instrument can detect by the means of absorbance, kinetics, terminal, two-point, standard curve, blank comparing pipe and factor;
4 The instrument can print detection report that makes it easy to analyses and persevere;
5 The instrument will auto-check first after it is switched on.
 Range of working wavelength:   340nm~700nm;
 Range of absorbance: 0~2.5A;
Accuracy error:
Absorbance(A) Accuracy Error(%)
0.01—1.0 ±0.01
1.0~2.5 ±0.02
Cross pollution rate:      <=1%(Aspiration volume 800ul);
 Test temperature:              37℃,30℃,25℃;
Accuracy error of test temperature: ±0.2℃;
Volume:  565×410×290mm;
Weight: 9Kg;
 Fuse:   φ5×20 2A   2
3 Work Conditions
1 Temperature:10~30℃;
2 Relative humidity: <=70%;
3 Power supply: 220×(1±10%)V, 50×(1±2%)Hz;
4 Input power:  160VA;
5 Warm-up time:  10min;
6 Keep away from strongly electromagnetic field;
7 Avoid direct irradiation by strong light;
8 Avoid dust and shake. There must be no caustic gas such as hydrochloric acid in air;
9 Power supply must be earthed perfectly.