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Máy phá rung tim ,Heartstart XL

Philips HeartStart XL M4735A Defibrillator


Máy phá rung tim ,Heartstart XL



An easy-to-use, compact, lightweight defibrillator/monitor with manual and AED capabilities for ALS and BLS clinicians

The Philips HeartStart XL Defibrillator/Monitor is designed to meet a wide variety of defibrillation and monitoring needs in one lightweight, easy-to-use device.


At just under 14 lbs., the HeartStart XL is easily transported throughout the hospital to the site where cardiac care is needed. A combination manual device with automated external defibrillator capabilities, HeartStart XL enables the first caregiver on the scene, whether an ALS or BLS clinician, to deliver potentially lifesaving defibrillation therapy.


In AED mode, voice prompts and text messages guide BLS users through the defibrillation process, while the HeartStart XL continuously monitors and displays the patient s ECG.


Upon the arrival of ALS personnel, HeartStart XL is easily switched from AED to manual mode, allowing operators to access the unit s advanced therapeutic features such as selectable energy (from 2 to 200 Joules), non-invasive pacing (optional), SpO2 (optional) and synchronized cardioversion.


Quick charging 

Charges to highest energy level, 200 Joules, in less than 3 seconds.


SMART Biphasic technology

Philips patented SMART Biphasic waveform is clinically proven superior to high-energy, monophasic waveforms for efficacy and for minimizing post-defibrillation heart dysfunction. ¹,²,³


Impedance compensation 

Measures chest impedance and delivers a low-energy shock based on patient s unique physical requirements.


Synchronized cardioversion 

Philips SMART Biphasic waveform has undergone clinical testing, demonstrating its effectiveness for cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. 4


Easy to use

  • 1-2-3 operation—True 1-2-3 operation makes defibrillation intuitive for all users.
  • AED mode—Voice and text prompts guide users through the defibrillation process. 150 Joules non-escalating, pre-set energy level.
  • Paddles (optional)—Anterior/anterior adult paddles convert to pediatric by removing the outer contacts.
  • Multi-function defibrillator pads—Adult and pediatric pads for defibrillation, ECG monitoring, pacing and synchronized cardioversion.
  • Sterilizable internal paddles—Switch and switchless internal paddles are designed for open-chest defibrillation in the operating room.


Lightweight, compact, durable

  • Grab and go—Less than 14 pounds (6.35kg).
  • Compact—Easily fits on a standard hospital stretcher.
  • Rugged—Withstands the rigors of hospital use and patient transport.




1.Bardy GH et al. “Multicenter Comparison of Truncated Biphasic Shocks and Standard Damped Sine Wave Monophasic Shocks for Transthoracic Ventricular Defibrillation.” Circulation 1996;94:2507-2514.

2. Gliner BE, White RD. “Recurrence of Out-of-Hospital VF Following Low-Energy Biphasic and High-Energy Monophasic Defibrillation Shocks.” J American College of Cardiology (Abstract) 1999;33:127A.

3. Reddy RK et al. “Transthoracic Ventricular Defibrillation Causes Fewer ECG ST-Segment Changes After Shock.” Ann Emerg Med 1997;30:127-134.4.

4. Benditt, DG et al. "Biphasic Waveform Cardioversion as an Alternative to Internal Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation Refractory to Conventional Monophasic Waveform Transthoracic Shock." Am J Cardiol, December 15, 2001;88(12):1426-1428.