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Máy laser điều trị quang động võng mạc

Máy điều trị quang động võng mạc Oculight GLX532mm

The IRIS Medical Oculight GL and Oculight GLx (532 nm) green laser consoles are indicated for retinal photocoagulation and laser trabeculoplasty. Oculight GL/GLx lasers offer TrueCW laser pulse giving the surgeon maximum control and precision. Both systems are reliable, portable, affordable, and do not require any regular laser maintenance as seen with old tube technology. Laser consoles are compatible with multiple delivery devices including portable Slit Lamp Adapters, Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope, and EndoProbe Handpieces.

The Oculight GLx is the top-of-the-line solid-state green photocoagulator representing the latest in technology innovation. It offers 1.5 Watts of power to the cornea and compatibility with the widest array of delivery devices. The Oculight GLx is compatible with all the delivery mentioned above as well as the
Integrated Laser/Slit Lamp EasyFit adapter and Endo ENT probes.

The Oculight GLx uses patented TrueCW technology to efficiently produce stable, continuous-wave, green laser light. Other methods of frequency doubling such as Q-switching or Quasi-CW sources, employ high peack power pulses that may cause unwanted thermomechanical tissue disruption, generated by either Q-switched or Quasy-CW laser pump sources.

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