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Máy nối dây túi máu tiệt trùng CompoDock

CompoDock DM & DockMaster NET



Introducing the NEW CompDock DM & DockMaster NET software packet.



Capture who is doing the docking for you and what products are being docked

Track efficiencies in your lab

Are you looking for automated cGMP documentation during sterile docking?

Do you want to achieve SOP compliance within the docking process?


Trial a CompoDock DM with DockMaster NET and give us your feedback on this brilliant

system that captures cGMP relevant data during the docking process, provides SOP prompts to support lab staff compliance with YOUR SOPs, and tracks staff efficiencies.

Tệp đính kèm: 16687-MKT-121-B_ CompoDock_DM_DockMaster_NET_flyer.pdf

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