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Máy đo độ CO trong máu Mashimo Radical-7


Providing upgradable rainbow technology in multiple configurations for maximum clinical flexibility.

Choose the noninvasive measurements that are right for your clinical setting—oxygen saturation, pulse rate, and perfusion index in addition to total hemoglobin, total arterial oxygen content, PVI, carboxyhemoglobin, and methemoglobin.

  • > Featuring "gold standard" Masimo SET® pulse oximetry, proven in more than 100 independent and objective studies to provide the most accurate and reliable SpO2 readings during motion and low perfusion.
  • > Upgradable Masimo Rainbow SET technology platform lets you add total hemoglobin (SpHb) and total arterial oxygen content (SpOC) as a factory-ordered option or through simple field-installed software upgrades.
  • > Additional upgrades allow you to continuously and noninvasively measure carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO®), methemoglobin (SpMet®), and PVI.

Masimo Radical-7 as a handheld or bedside co-oximeter

The Radical-7 easily detaches from the bedside unit as a full-featured hand-held pulse co-oximeter. The onboard rechargeable 4-hour battery and >10 day trending facilitate both hospital transport and spot check applications.

Masimo Satshare

Upgrade your current system to Rainbow technology simply by linking the Radical-7 to a host monitor s oximeter input connector. Get Masimo SET SpO2 readings on more than 100 multiparameter monitors and SpHb, PVI, SpCO and SpMet readings on the Radical-7 itself.

Gravity Activated Rotation

Automatic display rotation (Gravity Activated) provides for vertical and horizontal positioning to maximize space utilization and visibility.

Masimo Rainbow SET measurements give you a more complete picture of your patients physiological status

Easily configured to meet your specific clinical need

Normal View

Allows for continuous monitoring of all parameters along with a plethysmograph waveform and Signal IQ indicator (below pleth) to provide confidence in the quality of the values displayed.

Trend View

The quick-trend feature allows for one-touch access to vital parameter trending information to instantly evaluate patient condition and illness severity. Auto-scaling feature allows the y-axis to automatically change with fluctuations in the measurement value.

Simplified Alarm Management

One-touch menu provides quick access to the most commonly used features and allows for quick configuration and management of parameter alarm settings.

  • > The Radical-7 features a bright multi-color or monochromatic screen that is easy to read in either vertical or horizontal orientation—perfect for at-a-glance readings in a variety of clinical settings.
  • > Patented 3D alarms provide thresholds for desaturations and perfusion index based on clinician-specified severity and frequency, enhancing patient safety.
  • > Optional external wireless radio allows the Radical-7 to communicate with Masimo Patient SafetyNet, the remote monitoring and clinician-notification system that helps you keep at-risk patients safe on general care floors.

Clinical Configurations:

With a choice of docking stations for your Radical-7, you can select the connectivity configurations that work best for your clinical needs.

Serial, analog, nurse call and SatShare connectivity. Optional extended battery provides battery life up to 10 hours. (RDS-1B)

Power only.

Serial, analog and nurse call connectivity.


Video :

Tệp đính kèm: 9222-Radical-7.doc