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Cáng cứu thương

Cáng cứu thương DF-800

Cáng cứu thương DF-800



Key Features:
Using for AmbulanceNon-deformed sponge mattress and rectangular pillowCPR heart massaging plate(,)Movable intravenous drop fixing supportStretcher s bottom plate400 ml oxygen cylinder wity hold,er rack (optional).N.W.: 28 kgs Size: L190*W57*H81(26)cm ,
function xMM_OpenCertInfoWin(path, companyName, certs, cdataId) { var url = "/MAIN/cert/certInfo.jsp?certs=" + certs + "&companyName=" + companyName + "#A" + cdataId; window.open(url, "test", "scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=600"); } settingMessengersFrame("/EP" , "Please ensure you have installed MSN Messenger (edition 7.5 or above) in your computer.", "The MSN functions only work when initiated from Microsoft Internet Explorer.", "Web-based IM or other similar systems are not compatible with our system.", "Please ensure you have installed Yahoo! Messenger (edition 9.0 or above) in your computer.", "Web-based IM or other similar systems are not compatible with our system.", "Please ensure you have installed Skype in your computer.", "Web-based IM or other similar systems are not compatible with our system.", "online with ", "", "Click on the chat service below to contact ", "", "Note:" );