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Mô hình thực tập

Mô hình ,chọc dò ,màng tim, GD/H72,Honglian,TQ

Mô hình ,chọc dò ,màng tim, GD/H72,Honglian,TQ

 Picture of GD/H72 Parenteral Alimentation Nursing Simulator


The model is used for patient’s parenteral alimentation treatment and care through central vein intubation, provides trainings of central vein intubation, related disinfection, puncture and fixing operation.


1. Simulate normal adult male size, accurate and real anatomical structure, translucent design is conducive for sterical observation of internal skeleton, blood vessel,  heart and part of lungs;

2. Transparent design for clear observation of internal jugular vein and subclavian venous channel;

3. Cutaneous covering in the puncture site of right side chest;

4. The heart part can be opened to see the tricuspid valve with red marker