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Mô hình,chọc dò,tủy sống,trẻ em,GD/L68B,Honglian,TQ

Mô hình,chọc dò,tủy sống,trẻ em,GD/L68B,Honglian,TQ

 Picture of GD/L68B Infant Lumbar Puncture Simulator


1. Life size infant, side lying on the lamina dura bed, head bend to the chest, both hands hold knees, bend knees to the abdomen and low back bend as far as possible, also can be in sitting position.

2. Accurate signs of  bone: obvious interspace of spinous process and posterior superior iliac spine;

3. Puncture position: 3-4 lumbar intervertebral space;

4. Realistic touch feeling and strong feeling can be felt when needle penetrates into veins, outflow of simulated cerebrospinal fluid proves correct puncture position;

5. With spare canalis spinalis and puncture needle